
Fagron TrichoTest ™

Genetic test for alopecia (hair loss)

TrichoTest™ is a genetic test based on the ultimate DNA microarray technology and more than 50 published studies support its scientific basis. Improves and optimizes the treatment through evaluating 48 genes mutation in 13 genes that have been scientifically proven to be related to hair loss.

Genetics and alopecia

Alopecia (hair loss) is a progressive and multifactorial condition, which is related to both endogenous and exogenous factors (diet, anxiety, lack of iron / vitamins / trace elements, medication, etc.). Commonly, endogenous factors are genetic and associated with gene expression. Especially in Androgenetic Alopecia, the main cause of hair loss is inherited, it is related to the genes and their expression. In other words, there are genes that are transmitted by our ancestors and which predispose to the appearance of hair loss that starts potentially and from younger ages

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Individualized therapeutic approach to hair loss treatment

Advanced, safe and reliable personalized alopecia treatment based on the patient's genetic characteristics and extrinsic factors- obtained through a questionnaire of the patient  

TrichoTest™ is a genetic test based on the latest ultimate DNA microarray technology with 99.9% reproducibility of the genetic assay. 48 genetic variations are analyzed in 13 genes that have been scientifically proven to be related to hair loss.

Once in a lifetime test is completely painless for the patient, as a saliva sample is collected by the dermatologist with a buccal swab from the oral cavity.

Thus, the analysis of genetic factors, clinical examination and medical history provides a full understanding of the underlaying factors of alopecia development and dermatologists are able to propose a completely individualized treatment by selecting the most effective therapeutic substances and adjusting of the doses to the metabolism of each patient. - Thus, with the combination of clinical examination, medical history and TrichoTest ™ dermatologist is able to propose a completely individualized treatment with specific therapeutic substances that we know to be the most effective and customized dose specific to the particular patient.

Personalized medicines (compounded medications) are produced by your pharmacist.

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Have you ever tried various alopecia treatments without any result?

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TrichoTest™ Benefits
  • It allows the selection of the most effective active substances and their appropriate dosage for the treatment of alopecia, saving time and cost of treatments that the patient may not respond to
  • Improves the effectiveness of the treatment providing a personalized prescription for each patient
  • It is a non-invasive, reliable, once in a lifetime test
  • It is characterized by reproducibility and efficacy of 99.9% in the genetic determination
  • Provides insights that can help minimize the risk of interactions between APIs   

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